Wine factory is being built in Ismayilli region

The Ismayilly region executive power issued Deterra LLC a permit for the construction of a wine plant in Tirjan village.

More than 2,000 square meters is allocated for the construction of the plant. According to the project developed by Azerdovletsenayelayihe state design institute, the capacity of the enterprise will be around 21,000 cubic meters. This is reported on the state register of structures .

Note that Deterra Ltd has 4.55 hectares of land in Tirjan village of Ismayilly region. There is no public information about the terms of construction work and the volume of investments.

Deterra LLC (INN: 8401726701) was established in September 2020. The company is registered in the village of Sabirli, Shamakhi region. The initial capital of the company was AZN 3 million 250.000. Later the founders contributed another AZN 6,232,000 to the capital. The director of the company is Elnur Fikret oglu Mammadov.

Source: Turan News Agency

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