Global Hybrid Warfare and Cyber Security Summit starts in Baku

The Global Hybrid Warfare and Cyber Security Summit has today kicked off in Baku.


The event was co-organized by “InterProbe” and the Association of Cybersecurity Organizations of Azerbaijan (AKTA) in partnership with “A2Z Technologies”, “CyberPoint” and with the support of AKTA member company “Pnetworks”.


Head of the Special Communication and Information Security State Service of Azerbaijan Ilgar Musayev, AKTA Chairman of the Board Rahid Alakbarli, Head of the Cyber Security Center Davud Rustamov, bp’s vice president for the Caspian region, communications and external affairs Bakhtiyar Aslanbayli, Executive Director of the Media Development Agency Ahmad Ismayilov and other officials addressed the summit.


The summit continued with panel sessions.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Azerbaijani FM meets with Swiss State Secretary

Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has met with Swiss State Secretary Livia Leu in Geneva.


A productive discussion was held on Azerbaijan-Switzerland bilateral and regional cooperation.


“I briefed my colleague on meeting with FM of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan. I express gratitude to Swiss side for the hospitality & well organization of the meeting that hope will foster peace in our region,” FM Bayramov said on Twitter.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Georgian media highlights President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Bulgaria

Georgian media outlets, including,, portals, as well as TV channel have published articles highlighting Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Bulgaria.


The articles featured President Ilham Aliyev’s remarks during his meetings held in Bulgaria and the inauguration ceremony of the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) in Sofia.


The articles quoted the Azerbaijani President as saying: “Azerbaijan is, for many years, a reliable oil supplier to international, primarily European markets, and now became a reliable gas supplier. Last year, our gas export was around 19 billion cubic meters. This year, we will increase our export up to more than 22 billion cubic meters.”


The reports also highlighted the Memorandum of Understanding on energy signed between Azerbaijan and the European Commission noting that based on the document Azerbaijan is planning to double the supply of natural gas to Europe.


“We started already consultations with our partners with respect to the expansion of TANAP from 16 to 32 billion cubic meters and TAP from 10 to 20 billion cubic meters, because without that it will be difficult to provide additional supplies,” President Ilham Aliyev emphasized.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Great Wall of India – remarkable miracle of engineering prowess

Second only to the Great Wall of China, the amazing Great Wall of India stretches for over 22 miles around the perimeter of the Kumbhalgarh Fort in the Rajsamand province in India.

This remarkable miracle of engineering prowess was constructed over 500 years ago at the same time that the fort was built, and together the fort and wall safeguard over 300 ancient temples.

The site is an absolute must see, but you will need to be fairly fit to climb to the top, which takes about 40 minutes. To get the most from your visit you should hire a guide to tell you all about the history and legend attached to this amazing UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Nobel prize in medicine awarded for research on evolution

Swedish scientist Svante Paabo won this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine Monday for his discoveries on human evolution that provided key insights into our immune system and what makes us unique compared with our extinct cousins, the award’s panel said, according to AP.


Paabo has spearheaded the development of new techniques that allowed researchers to compare the genome of modern humans and that of other hominins — the Neanderthals and Denisovans.


“Svante Paabo’s groundbreaking discoveries have provided important new knowledge regarding our evolutionary history,” said Anna Wedell, chair of the Nobel Committee.


While Neanderthal bones were first discovered in the mid-19th century, only by unlocking their DNA — often referred to as the code of life — have scientists been able to fully understand the links between species.


This included the time when modern humans and Neanderthals diverged as a species, determined to be around 800,000 years ago.


“Paabo and his team also surprisingly found that gene flow had occurred from Neanderthals to Homo sapiens, demonstrating that they had children together during periods of co-existence,” Wedell said.


This transfer of genes between hominin species affects how the immune system of modern humans reacts to infections, such as the coronavirus. People outside Africa have 1-2% of Neanderthal genes.


Paabo and his team also managed to extract DNA from a tiny finger bone found in a cave in Siberia, leading to the recognition of a new species of ancient humans they called Denisovans.


Wedell described this as “a sensational discovery” that subsequently showed Neanderthals and Denisovan to be sister groups which split from each other around 600,000 years ago. Denisovan genes have been found in up to 6% of modern humans in Asia and Southeast Asia, indicating that interbreeding occurred there too.


“By mixing with them after migrating out of Africa, homo sapiens picked up sequences that improved their chances to survive in their new environments,” said Wedell. For example, Tibetans share a gene with Denisovans that helps them adapt to the high altitude.


“We already know that it affects our defenses against different types of infections for instance, or how we can cope with high altitude,” said Nils-Goran Larsson, a member of the Nobel panel. “But like all great discoveries in basic science, more and more insights will come over the next decades.”


Paabo, 67, performed his prizewinning studies in Germany at the University of Munich and at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. Paabo is the son of Sune Bergstrom, who won the Nobel prize in medicine in 1982.


The medicine prize kicked off a week of Nobel Prize announcements. It continues Tuesday with the physics prize, with chemistry on Wednesday and literature on Thursday. The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Friday and the economics award on Oct. 10.


Last year’s medicine recipients were David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discoveries into how the human body perceives temperature and touch.


The prizes carry a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor (nearly $900,000) and will be handed out on Dec. 10. The money comes from a bequest left by the prize’s creator, Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, who died in 1895.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency

Brazil’s presidential elections set for second-round run-off

Brazil’s top two presidential candidates will face off later this month in a runoff vote after neither of them garnered enough support to win outright, according to Anadolu Agency.


Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro will compete against one another in a second round scheduled on Oct. 30.


According to the Supreme Electoral Court, 97.51% of the votes have been counted, and it announced the race will go to a second round.


Lula received 47.94% while Bolsonaro garnered 43.62%.


Lula, who remains the favorite according to the polls, finished first, while Bolsonaro gained around 10% more votes than the results in the last election poll.


Simone Tebet, the candidate of the Brazilian Democratic Movement, ended up third with 4.21%, while Ciro Gomes, who was expected to be third in the polls, finished in fourth place with 3.05%.


As no candidate gained more than 50% of the vote, the second round of elections will determine Brazil’s president for the 2023-2027 term.


Brazil, a South American nation with a population of more than 215 million, has over 156 million registered voters, while more than 120 million votes were cast in the election.


During Brazil’s elections, citizens voted to elect the president and vice-president, the governors of the Federal District – which includes 26 states and the capital Brasilia, the entire 513-member House of Representatives of Congress and 27 members of the 81-member Senate.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency