Day: October 8, 2022

Delegates Highlight Unacceptable Burden Economic Crises, Conflicts Place on Young People, as Third Committee Discusses Children’s Rights

GENERAL ASSEMBLY THIRD COMMITTEE   SEVENTY-SEVENTH SESSION,   11TH & 12TH MEETINGS (AM & PM)   Briefing the committee, Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the Secretary‑General for Children and Armed Conflict, said that 24,000 grave violations committed against children were recorded in 2021 and that the abduction of girls has increased by 40 per cent. […]

Azerbaijani TABIB talks condition of mine-injured in Aghdam district

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Three people injured as a result of a mine explosion were hospitalized in the central Barda district hospital, Trend reports citing the Azerbaijani Management Union of Medical Territorial Units (TABIB). All three have multiple shrapnel wounds. The injured were provided with emergency assistance. The condition of two of them is assessed as serious, […]

Planting of mines by Armenia in Azerbaijan’s territories must be condemned – Azerbaijani FM

BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 8. Planting of mines by Armenia on the territory of Azerbaijan must be condemned, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov tweeted, Trend reports. “Two more Azerbaijani civilians severely injured as a result of landmine explosion. 259 people became victims since the end of war. Deliberate and continued planting landmines by Armenia in Azerbaijan’s […]

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