Zahid Oruj: The gold and copper deposits they exploited for thirty years do not save the fake state of Armenians

Starting from December 12, on the Khankendi-Lachin road, the media representatives of Azerbaijan, as a whole, our citizens, representing various classes, will give birth to the results of new views, ideas, principles, ideologies, and concepts in hundreds of fields with their actions as a part of our people. The most important thing is that today the action is carried out by the followers of the Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and our Armed Forces through peaceful means. That’s why they called it soft power policy in the world. Another issue is that it became clear for the Armenians of Khankendi and the Armenians of the world that during this period, no one will be able to shoot at them when that road is controlled not only by tanks, cannons, armored vehicles or drones, but by civilians. In Khankendi, the forces that formed false ideas of a thousand-year-old state for themselves in Khankendi also realized that no communication and other means, including the gold and copper deposits they looted and exploited for 30 years, could not save their false state. This is a very important issue.


AZERTAC reports that this was said by the chairman of the Human Rights Committee of the Milli Majlis, Zahid Oruj.


“Actually, the exploiters of gold and copper deposits, as well as those who looted 7 regions, mostly Armenian oligarchs, diaspora and corrupt thieves networked around the world, their fanatics, as well as partners in the west, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, played the main role. That is, in this case, I am not going to show the Armenians as innocent. Whoever committed a crime must answer for his actions. But the appropriation of wealth and natural resources in those areas was mostly in the hands of one group. After the statements given, no one can come and attack our shareholders, they understand the reality. Indeed, when they lived in the same legal, political and social space with Azerbaijan, they developed both democratically and economically and socially,” Z. Oruj pointed out.


According to him, they cannot stop the protests of our heroic sons and daughters on December 13 on the Lachin-Khankendi road. I believe that these actions are steps that once again confirm that we are on the right path. We must draw the right conclusions when evaluating these events. We must emphasize that the moral, political and legal advantage of the actions is on the side of Azerbaijan or our citizens.




Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency

A conference was held on the theme “Great Return: the celebration of Ilham Aliyev’s policy” VIDEO

On December 24, a conference was held on the topic “Great Return: the celebration of Ilham Aliyev’s policy” dedicated to the “I State Program on the Great Return to the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.


AZERTACreports that Tahir Budagov, Deputy Chairman of the YAP and Head of the Central Office, opened the conference organized by the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) in partnership with the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms and wished success to the work of the conference. Tahir Budagov drew attention to the fact that the independent state of Azerbaijan, which is living the most powerful period in its centuries-old history, created new realities with its magnificent Victory in the 44-day Patriotic War under the leadership of the President, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev: “The glorious Victory that ensured the restoration of historical justice, the territorial integrity of our republic and the national dignity of our people it conditioned the emergence of new political, socio-economic, cultural-humanitarian and military-strategic challenges both in our country and in the South Caucasus region as a whole. First of all, For nearly 30 years, Azerbaijan has created favorable conditions for the formation of new opportunities for cooperation and a security environment in the region where the fact of occupation, separatism prevails, and clashes and conflicts are intense. Effective use of these opportunities makes it possible to turn the South Caucasus into a multifaceted partnership space where the interests of both regional states and power centers are aligned in the long term. This is not only important from the geopolitical and military-strategic point of view, but also economically useful and promising. On the other hand, Azerbaijan, which has set new goals in the post-war period, has implemented systematic activities in the direction of the restoration of the territories freed from occupation, and the model of progressive construction and regional development, it also creates a new partnership platform in the region. Thus, in accordance with the defined strategic priorities, Azerbaijan is carrying out reconstruction works at the expense of its economic strength, using modern technologies and applying innovations. Within the framework of this process, effective cooperation relations have been established with foreign partners and important projects are being implemented on the basis of joint initiatives. “On the basis of partnership, the clearing of landmines, the construction of settlements based on modern concepts, the creation of huge infrastructure, the restoration of economic activity and other steps create favorable conditions for ensuring the Great Return – a decent and sustainable settlement.” performs restoration and construction works using modern technologies and applying innovations. Within the framework of this process, effective cooperation relations have been established with foreign partners and important projects are being implemented on the basis of joint initiatives. “On the basis of partnership, the clearing of landmines, the construction of settlements based on modern concepts, the creation of huge infrastructure, the restoration of economic activity and other steps create favorable conditions for ensuring the Great Return – a decent and sustainable settlement.” performs restoration and construction works using modern technologies and applying innovations. Within the framework of this process, effective cooperation relations have been established with foreign partners and important projects are being implemented on the basis of joint initiatives. “On the basis of partnership, the clearing of landmines, the construction of settlements based on modern concepts, the creation of huge infrastructure, the restoration of economic activity and other steps create favorable conditions for ensuring the Great Return – a decent and sustainable settlement.”


The Deputy Chairman of YAP emphasized that one of the five National Priorities of Azerbaijan until 2030 is to ensure the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation. The consistent fulfillment of the tasks reflected in the “I State Program on the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, approved by the relevant Decree of President Ilham Aliyev, will allow us to achieve the goals ahead in this direction: besides being of great importance in terms of development and improvement of the ecological situation, it will give an additional impetus to the development of a socially oriented economy, including the increase of employment, and the improvement of the population’s well-being. Historically, in the territories liberated from occupation, restoration of religious and cultural monuments is also an important component of the process of construction and the Great Return. The cultural construction activities carried out by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, headed by the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, are also an exceptional contribution to the revival and renaissance of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, as well as to the restoration of our national memory, and the presentation of Azerbaijan’s rich historical traditions and national-spiritual values ​​to the world. “.


“It is an undeniable fact that the Great Return was one of the biggest dreams of the Azerbaijani people, who suffered from the occupation policy of Armenia for 30 years. Today, we proudly note that the dreams of our compatriots are turning into reality as a result of the great Victory won under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The process of the Great Return has already started and the history of Azerbaijan is consolidating the Victory in the field of diplomacy and at the level of construction. This means the beginning of a qualitatively new stage and new perspectives, both in the country and on the regional scale. It can be said with certainty that Azerbaijan, which ended the 30-year occupation in 44 days and is now confidently continuing its Victory march, will once again demonstrate its power to the whole world by turning Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur into a paradise and ensuring the Great Return at the highest level. As noted by our Supreme Commander-in-Chief Muzaffar, “… just as we expelled the enemy from our lands in a short period of time – in just 44 days – we will restore Karabakh, our historical ancestral land, in a short period of time!”. There is no doubt that the Great Return, which is the celebration of Heydar Aliyev’s ideas and the real result of President Ilham Aliyev’s visionary policy, will become one of the brightest pages of our centuries-old statehood history and will form a reliable foundation for a stronger Azerbaijan,” said the head of the YAP Central Office.


Then Vusal Gasimli, executive director of the Center for Analysis and Communication of Economic Reforms, presented the “I State Program on the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan”. V. Gasimli said that in order to achieve the goals set within the framework of the program, 6 priority directions for the years 2022-2026 have been defined in the State Program. The implementation of the “I State Program on the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan” will give a great impetus to the restoration and construction works. According to him, in the State Program, the restoration and construction works carried out in the territories freed from occupation and the current situation, the targeted goals and their corresponding target indicators, the priority directions of the State Program, the issues of the return of the population to their native lands, the expected results, management of possible risks, sources of financing for the fulfillment of relevant tasks and measures to be implemented are reflected. In the preparation of the State Program, progressive international experience, strategic development trends in this field, socio-economic potential of the liberated territories and modern challenges of the world economy were taken into account. The scope of the State Program is made up of territories included in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions. the socio-economic potential of the liberated territories and the modern challenges of the world economy were taken into account. The scope of the State Program is made up of territories included in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions. the socio-economic potential of the liberated territories and the modern challenges of the world economy were taken into account. The scope of the State Program is made up of territories included in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions.


Vusal Gasimli noted that within the framework of the implementation of the program, the institutional base is of exceptional importance in the implementation of goals such as the coordinated organization of restoration and construction works in the territories liberated from occupation, reintegration of the territories into the general economy of the country, stimulation of economic growth based on public-private partnership and provision of sustainable settlement. Institutional mechanisms were created in the first days of the post-war period. Thus, by the Order of the President of Azerbaijan dated November 24, 2020, a Coordination Headquarters was established for the purpose of solving socio-economic, humanitarian, organizational and other urgent issues in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as coordinating activities in this field.


It was emphasized that the creation of the necessary infrastructure to ensure the reconstruction, restoration, sustainable development and high standard of living of the population of the territories freed from occupation is of particular importance. Since November 2020, the construction of airports, roads and railways has started in the liberated territories, and in a short time, the transport infrastructure connecting these settlements with other cities and regions of the country has been formed. In order to build energy infrastructure in these areas and improve infrastructure provision and create decent living conditions within the framework of efficient use of the region’s energy, including renewable energy potential, electricity, water, gas,


The executive director noted that the works carried out in accordance with the State Program will be carried out based on the concept of “smart city”, “smart village” and “green energy zone”. Stating that the first experience in this direction already exists, V. Gasimli stated that Agali village of Zangilan district was built on the basis of the “smart village” concept, and said that financial resources of around 20 billion manats are needed for the implementation of the “I State Program on the Great Return” to the liberated areas. He noted that demining works will cover 280,000 hectares of land in the next five years. V. Gasimli stressed that the preparation of 240 new maps of the liberated territories, the distribution of lands to municipal, state and private lands will be carried out.


Mukhtar Babayev, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources, speaking at the conference on the theme “Environmental aspects of the Great Return” said that the main objectives of the document “Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for socio-economic development” and the “First State Program on the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan” one of its priorities is solving environmental problems, ensuring environmental safety against the background of dynamic economic development, applying the most modern low-waste technologies and creating a clean ecological environment. In both documents, full synergy was ensured between the priorities of “great return to the liberated territories”, “clean environment and green growth country”. Thus, in the strategic documents, restoration of the forest fund, flora and fauna, development of specially protected natural areas, restoration of the hydrometeorological observation network, efficient use of water resources and mineral resources, etc. issues are listed as top priorities. In accordance with the directions mentioned in the program, work has been started gradually to restore the ecological environment in these areas. In the medium and long term, reforestation works are being carried out to restore forests and restore them to their previous state. Construction of forest-parks consisting of terraces and green corridors has been started in Jabrayil, Zangilan, Fuzuli and Aghdam regions. Together with the Republic of Turkey, works on the creation of the “Azerbaijan-Turkey International Forestry Training Center”, “Smart Nursery” and “Friendship Forest” Complex have been started in Jabrayil region.


The minister noted that measures are being taken to restore the activities of the specially protected natural areas, biological diversity and natural monuments located in the region. Together with the IDEA Public Union and the World Wildlife Fund, reintroduction projects of some species of animals, gazelles and bezoar goats, have been started in their historical areas. In the current year, 33 gazelles have already been released into the territory of Jabrayil region. In order to restore and increase water bioresources in the region, various types of baby fish are continuously released into Basitchay, Kondalanchay, Bargushadchay and Hekari rivers, as well as Sugovushan and Khachinchay reservoirs. The completely destroyed hydrometeorological observation and environmental monitoring network is being rebuilt and modernized. Currently, Shusha, Aghdam, Fuzuli, 5 automatic meteorological stations are being installed in Kalbajar and Zangilan regions. With the coordination of the State Water Commission, important water infrastructure projects related to efficient use of water resources of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions are being implemented.


M.Babayev təəssüflə bildirib ki, işğaldan azad edilmiş ərazilərdə ekoloji terror bu gün də davam edir. Buna nümunə olaraq Ermənistan ərazisindən daxil olan transsərhəd çayların, xüsusilə Oxçuçayın ciddi çirklənməyə məruz qalmasını göstərmək olar. Beynəlxalq laboratoriyaların da cəlb olunduğu monitorinqlər nəticəsində Oxçuçayda ağır metallar və digər çirkləndiricilərin miqdarının normadan dəfələrlə çox olduğu qeydə alınmışdır. Məsələ ilə bağlı beynəlxalq təşkilatlara və bir sıra dövlətlərin müvafiq qurumlarına müraciət olunub. Hazırda Milli Elmlər Akademiyası və digər aidiyyəti qurumların nümayəndələrindən ibarət yaradılmış İşçi Qrupu tərəfindən monitorinq nəticələri təhlil edilərək Oxçuçayın su hövzəsinin ekoloji bərpası istiqamətində təkliflər hazırlanır. Ekoloji terrorun digər bariz nümunəsi Azərbaycan ərazilərində təbii ehtiyatların qanunsuz istismarının davam etməsidir. İşğal dövründə ölkəmizə məxsus 167 faydalı qazıntı yatağından 52-si heç bir ekoloji norma gözlənilmədən vəhşicəsinə istismara məruz qalıb.


“Dekabr ayının əvvəlindən başlayaraq Azərbaycan tərəfi Rusiya sülhməramlı kontingenti ilə onların müvəqqəti yerləşdirildiyi ərazilərimizdə təbii ehtiyatların qanunsuz istismarının dayandırılması, monitorinq və inventarlaşmanın aparılması, ətraf mühitə zərər və risklərin qiymətləndirilməsi və nəticələrinin aradan qaldırılması məsələlərini müzakirə edir. Sözsüz ki, bu vəziyyət cəmiyyətimiz tərəfindən normal qarşılana bilməz. Biz ictimaiyyətin narahatlığını başa düşürük. Bildiyiniz kimi, şaxtalı havaya baxmayaraq, vətəndaş cəmiyyətinin nümayəndələri, qeyri-hökumət təşkilatlarını təmsil edən ekoloji fəallar Laçın-Şuşa yolunda etiraz aksiyası keçirirlər. Aksiyanın məqsədi Azərbaycan ərazilərində təbii ehtiyatların qanunsuz istismarının dayandırılmasıdır” , – deyən nazir əminliyini ifadə edib ki, işğaldan azad edilmiş ərazilərə Böyük Qayıdış çərçivəsində ekoloji bərpa işlərinin həyata keçirilməsi son nəticədə bu ərazilərdə təbiətin dirçəlməsinə gətirib çıxaracaq.


Nazir, həmçinin 2023-cü il – “Heydər Əliyev İli” çərçivəsində ETSN-in Yeni Azərbaycan Partiyası və tərəfdaş təşkilatlarla birgə ölkə ərazisində, o cümlədən işğaldan azad edilmiş ərazilərdə genişmiqyaslı ekoloji tədbirlər həyata keçirəcəyini diqqətə çatdırıb.


Konfransda elm və təhsil naziri Emin Əmrullayev “Böyük Qayıdışda insan kapitalının rolu” mövzusunda çıxış edib. Nazir bildirib ki, Prezident İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə Azərbaycanın öz torpaqlarını işğaldan azad etməsi təhsil sahəsində də yeni bir səhifə açıb. Onun sözlərinə görə, işğaldan azad edilən ərazilərdə təhsil infrastrukturunun qurulması ilə yanaşı, tarixi hadisənin Azərbaycanda ümumtəhsil sisteminin daha da təkmilləşməsində rolu olacaq: “Hər bir sistemi irəliyə aparan lokomotiv olmalıdır. Vaxtilə işğal altında olan ərazilərimizdə təhsil infrastrukturu da tamamilə dağıdılıb. Ona görə də qarşıda bizi ciddi quruculuq işləri gözləyir. Qarabağda yaradılacaq məktəblər, yəqin ki, Azərbaycan təhsilinin məzmununda və mahiyyətində dəyişikliklər etməyə imkan verəcək. Bütün bu məktəblər mahiyyətinə, dizaynına görə ən müasir infrastruktura malik olacaq. Zaman sürətlə dəyişdiyindən təhsilin də məzmununun dəyişməsinə ehtiyac var. Bu mənada, azad edilmiş ərazilərə Böyük Qayıdışın başlaması fonunda təhsildə də yeni yanaşmaların həmin məktəblərdə bərqərar olması qarşıda duran əsas hədəflərdəndir. Həmin məktəblərdə şagirdlərə yeni məzmunlu müasir təhsilin verilməsinə imkan yaranacaq. Digər bir məsələ odur ki, işğaldan azad edilmiş ərazilərdə aparılan infrastruktur, tikinti, quruculuq işləri əmək bazarında ciddi aktivlik yaradacaq. Görülən işlərin səmərəliliyini artırmaq üçün ixtisaslı kadrların olması vacibdir”.


Stating that certain planning works are currently being carried out for the relocation of IDP secondary schools, the minister noted that there have been very important changes in 30 years, and planning work related to the return of those people must be carried out. “The issue of the labor skills of the people returning to that area should also be investigated. This is very important,” the minister added.


Emphasizing that the construction of the school in Sugovushan has already been completed, the minister said that 197 pre-school educational institutions will be built in the liberated areas: “Planned works are being carried out in the direction of moving the schools of the internally displaced persons to those regions. Within 5-7 years, there will be no non-standard IDP schools in Azerbaijan. In this process, new skills are very important.”


The minister said that the school built in Shusha will be handed over at the beginning of the next academic year. According to him, teachers have a great desire to work in liberated territories. Up to 800 teachers have already expressed their desire to work. But, first of all, preference will be given to teachers who are residents of those areas. “Designing of vocational high schools has started in Zangilan, Kalbajar, Fuzuli”, E. Amrullayev added.


Speaking at the event on the topic “The Great Return: Goals of the Urban Planning Policy”, Anar Guliyev, Chairman of the State Urban Planning and Architecture Committee, said that during the development of the “I State Program on the Great Return to the Territories Freed from Occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, progressive international experience and strategic development trends were taken into account. the priority goal is defined. One of them is “Construction and infrastructure provision of urban, settlement and rural settlements in the territories”. All reconstruction, restoration and urban development works carried out under the program are based on the implementation of advanced urbanization models. Increasing economic productivity in residential areas,


According to him, as a first step within the framework of the work carried out by the Committee in accordance with the “Strategic Action Plan on the solution of socio-economic, humanitarian, organizational and other urgent issues in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan” – the preparation of the basic urban planning document has been ensured. The general plan covers the general territory of the occupied Aghdam, Fuzuli, Khojaly, Khojavand, Shusha, Tartar, Jabrayil, Kalbajar, Gubadli, Lachin, Zangilan districts and Khankendi city of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. Taking 2020 as the reference year of the project, 2040 was accepted as the last date of the reporting period. The General Plan defines the main directions of the territory’s development strategy and policy for this period, will ensure the coordinated development of settlements, serve sustainable, rational and competitive territorial development. In the general plan, the development of the territories was considered together with the socio-economic development, the needs for the restoration of order in the settlement and the promotion of the return of the population were taken into account.


It was noted that in the current year, the preparation of the Master Plan of Agdam, the center and the largest city of the region, was fully completed, it was agreed with the relevant state institutions and approved by the relevant Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated August 16, 2022. The project work on the Master Plan of Fuzuli city has been completed and the process of agreement of the document with the relevant state institutions is about to be completed. The preparation of the concepts and main outlines of the Master Plans of other cities has been completed, detailed planning works are ongoing and it is expected to be completed in the first half of the next year. In accordance with the solutions of the general plan, territorial planning documents are being prepared for about 40 settlements and rural settlements in 9 liberated districts, starting from April-May of the current year.


  1. Guliyev emphasized that 7 cities and 36 settlements out of 100 residential areas (8 cities, 8 settlements and 84 villages) will be restored in the initial stage in connection with the implementation of the measures envisaged under the “I State Program on the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and being a village – territorial planning documents of a total of 43 settlements are being prepared. The foundation of three of those villages – Khidirli, Kangarli and Saricali villages of Agdam district was laid by Mr. President on October 4, 2022. For the remaining 57 settlements, 38 settlements, including the city of Lachin, as well as 37 settlements and villages, and 19 settlements in 2024, will be designed in 2023. It is planned to design 37 residential areas in the second stage of rehabilitation in 2025-2026. In general, the State Program envisages the gradual implementation of measures related to the construction of multi-apartment buildings and individual residential houses in residential areas and the relocation of 34,500 families to their native lands within the period of 2022-2026.


At the end, on behalf of the conference participants, an appeal to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party, Muzaffar Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev was accepted.




Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency

The projects implemented in Karabakh and East Zangezur attract the attention of the world

With the Victory in the Patriotic War, a new stage of development has begun in Azerbaijan. Undoubtedly, the reintegration of territories freed from occupation as a result of Victory into the country’s general economy, benefiting from the opportunities of new international and regional transport-logistics corridors will give a great impetus to the development of Azerbaijan. The formation of stability, prosperity and mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as the development of economic and trade relations, will further strengthen the role and status of Azerbaijan, the leading state of the South Caucasus, in determining the general architecture of the regional economy. In this regard, “I State Program on the Great Return to Territories Freed from Occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved by President Ilham Aliyev It is an important document that will be a road map for the short and effective implementation of all the targeted works related to the return to Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, and this document will further accelerate the work done in Karabakh. As a result of this, the projects implemented in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur today – the creation of airports, residential areas, roads and railways, bridges, tunnels, reservoirs, electric power plants, drinking water lines and socio-economic infrastructures attract the attention of the world. The implemented purposeful and large-scale projects serve the rapid revival of the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangezur, the sustainable settlement of the population and the provision of sustainable economic activity, as well as create a sound foundation for the transformation of these areas into a highly developed region. Today, the projects implemented in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur – the creation of airports, settlements, roads and railways, bridges, tunnels, water reservoirs, electric power plants, drinking water lines and socio-economic infrastructures attract the attention of the world. The implemented purposeful and large-scale projects serve the rapid revival of the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangezur, the sustainable settlement of the population and the provision of sustainable economic activity, as well as create a sound foundation for the transformation of these areas into a highly developed region. Today, the projects implemented in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur – the creation of airports, settlements, roads and railways, bridges, tunnels, water reservoirs, electric power plants, drinking water lines and socio-economic infrastructures attract the attention of the world. The implemented purposeful and large-scale projects serve the rapid revival of the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangezur, the sustainable settlement of the population and the provision of sustainable economic activity, as well as create a sound foundation for the transformation of these areas into a highly developed region.


MP Anar Mammadov expressed these views in his statement to AZERTAC .


The deputy noted that in the last two years, large-scale reconstruction works have been carried out in our liberated territories, and this process is currently being successfully continued. The vision of the head of state, Ilham Aliyev, regarding the restoration of territories and the return of the population, and the goals set by him constitute the priority directions of the State Program. In this matter, infrastructure renewal and restoration has been a priority direction since the first day. These directions are generally security, construction of modern residential areas, sustainable settlement of the population, construction of infrastructure that meets comprehensive and advanced standards, support of economic development of areas and provision of ecologically clean environment. Thus, new highways and airports were built and put into use. The commissioning of Fuzuli and Zangilan International Airports, which are the gateways of Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur to the world, indicates the happy future of the liberated territories as a whole. In 2025, Lachin International Airport is expected to be commissioned.


Stating that the strategic goals of the program are determined within the framework of sustainable settlement of the population and reintegration of territories into economic activity, A. Mammadov said: “Organize safe living and state administration in the territories, implement the construction of cities, towns and rural settlements and provide them with sustainable infrastructure, create services according to modern standards. it is intended to provide, to strengthen the social protection of the population that will settle in the areas. Also, to increase the employment opportunities of the population, to expand the scope and accessibility of social services, to ensure sustainable socio-economic development, to increase the favorability of the entrepreneurial environment and to support the development of business activities,


“Involving natural resources and socio-economic potential in the economic cycle, achieving effective use of prospective development opportunities of the tourism sector, ensuring reliable protection of the environment and ecological safety, efficient and effective use of natural resources, “smart city”, “smart village” and promoting the implementation of “green energy zone” concepts in the region.


In a word, the correct implementation of the thought economic concept of our head of state will bring great economic and political dividends to Azerbaijan, and the world will once again witness that Ilham Aliyev is a determined leader who successfully fulfills his promises, as always”, Anar Mammadov pointed out.




Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency

German Azerbaijanis showed their support for the action on the Lachin-Khankendi road

A picket was held in the city of Cologne, Germany, in order to protest against Armenia’s environmental terrorism and to support the environmental activists who were protesting on the Shusha-Khankendi road with demands for environmental protection.


AZERTAC reports that the action took place in front of the Cologne Cathedral under the organization of the Alliance of German Azerbaijanis.


Our compatriots expressed their objections to the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits in the areas under the temporary control of Russian peacekeepers, especially the “Kyzilbulag” gold and “Demirli” copper-molybdenum deposits, and drew the attention of the local community to the environmental terrorism perpetrated by Armenia on the territory of Azerbaijan.


“Stop the illegal exploitation of Azerbaijan’s natural resources!”, “Stop the environmental terrorism of Armenia!”, “Stop the illegal activities of Armenian separatists!”, “We demand an end to the use of the Lachin road for military purposes” “Lachin-Shusha-Khankendi road is the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan” and other slogans were chanted.



Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency

Political scientist: Spreading fake information is an approach specific to the Armenian political line

Attention was drawn to the small number of people who participated in the action held in Khankendi. Armenia’s propaganda machine has been saying for many years that many people live there and there is a need to protect their rights. However, we have seen that all these figures and the propaganda carried out do not reflect the truth and the sharing of fake information prevails again. Although 15,000-20,000 Armenians live there, we see that in the international media, the Armenian side is publishing information that does not reflect the truth and reality about the existence of 120,000 Armenians in the territory of Azerbaijan. All this is unacceptable and the sharing of fake information is an approach specific to the Armenian political line.


Political scientist Ilyas Huseynov expressed these thoughts in his statement to AZERTAC .


“Armenian leaders prior to Nikol Pashinyan also preferred this policy. Even now, false propaganda is being circulated. At the same time, the practice of organizing special buses of Armenia, giving monetary rewards to the participants of the action, and providing them with fuel is also widespread. The separatists understand very well that among the participants of this action there are people who are not in solidarity with them. Unfortunately, armed groups keep them under fear and threats. Ethnic Armenians are not allowed to reintegrate into Azerbaijani society. Therefore, Azerbaijan can take appropriate measures. At the same time, ethnic Armenians should oppose the separatists who are looting the wealth of Azerbaijan. They should condemn separatism on the territory of Azerbaijan.


He added that criminals such as Ruben Vardanyan, who renounced his citizenship and sought refuge in Khankendi in Russia under the fear of losing his billions, should receive their punishment and, of course, rational thinking people should not be around them. There is a great need not to believe false promises and populist speeches.



Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency

Armenians live with shaky ideas like “Miatsum”.

It is natural that the number of people who participated in the rally held in Khankendi the other day was around 1000. First of all, because only 25-30 thousand people live in Karabakh, the figure of 120 thousand is false information of Armenian propaganda and Russian peacekeepers who want to maintain their presence in Karabakh. Secondly, the majority of Karabakh Armenians have come to terms with the realities that arose after the war. Armenians are in a state of confusion, avoiding the harsh regime of Ruben Vardanyan, who calls himself the “state minister” of the so-called republic, and Araik Arutyunyan, the head of terrorists.


These views were expressed by Nasib Mahamaliyev, a member of the Milli Majlis, in his statement to AZERTAC .


The deputy noted that in recent days, aggressive behavior has been observed against Armenians who took a conciliatory position, and they are being punished: “It is felt that Karabakh Armenians are tired of conflict and most of them understand that they are being used as tools in the hands of big powers. Therefore, they see their future as part of Azerbaijan. This was confirmed by people’s avoidance of participation in yesterday’s rally. I think that it is possible to achieve normalization of relations with local Armenians in the near future without the influence of external and internal destructive forces.”


“I would like to mention one issue in particular. What is happening now shows once again that Armenians have remained in the 80s of the last century. They are living with crazy ideas like “Miatsum” again. Azerbaijan, on the other hand, regrouped, became stronger, liberated its lands and is currently developing day by day. That’s the difference. In the 21st century, you cannot build a state with lies and false ideas that are not based on any historical facts. The Armenian people have become hostages of the fake history invented by fake politicians and the global powers that use it for their own interests. The establishment of sustainable peace in the region depends on the Armenian people’s rejection of false claims,” ​​added N. Mahamaliyev.




Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency