Rights of Tofig Yagublu in Binagadi Detention Center are Violated

On Monday, the lawyer Neymat Karimli visited a member of the National Council of Democratic Forces and the Musavat party, Tofig Yagublu, at the Binagadi point of administrative arrests.


According to the lawyer, Yagublu’s health was normal, but due to his arrest, he was forced to interrupt the treatment he was receiving.


Yagublu complained that home broadcasts were passed to him in limited quantities. In addition, he is kept together with arrested drug addicts.


He was also limited to a change of clothes, not missing a towel. Finally, he is not allowed to meet with his relatives.


Yagublu’s daughter Nigar Hazi, in turn, announced the possibility of preparing a new criminal case against her father


Source: Turan News Agency

95 new cases of COVID-19 infection

Over the past day, 95 new cases of coronavirus infection have been detected in Azerbaijan, 101 people have recovered, two have died, the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers said on December 27.


To date, there are 557 active patients with COVID-19 in the country.


Over the past 24 hours, 2438 texts on coronavirus have been conducted


Source: Turan News Agency

On the 13th day of the hunger strike, Professor Adyl Geybulla was admitted to Bakhtiyar Hajiyev

On the evening of December 27, the health of Bahtiyar Hajiyev in Baku pre-trial detention center -1 deteriorated sharply, lawyer Fahraddin Mehdiyev, who visited him on Tuesday morning, said. His right hand goes numb, his blood sugar levels drop to critical levels, and he may fall into a coma. Blood pressure also dropped sharply, the lawyer added. In this regard, doctors from the Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice visited Hajiyev. Professor Adyl Geybulla was with them.


In a conversation with a Turan correspondent, he said: “The examination took place with the participation of doctors from the Ministry of Justice. Bahtiyar’s condition is satisfactory, he complains of weakness and dizziness. Blood pressure 110/70, pulse 80, blood sugar level 5 mmol/l. Weight 77.6 kg. Consciousness is clear, there is no threat to life,” said the professor.


At the same time, Hajiyev was recommended to stop the hunger strike. For treatment and normal water balance, Hajiyev was given an intravenous infusion, with the introduction of sodium chloride, panangin, vitamins B1, B6, B12, C, ringer, the doctor continued.


“The infusion lasted two hours and during that time we talked. His mood is stable, he said hello to his relatives and friends, ”said the doctor. Bahtiyar Hajiyev was detained on December 9 on charges of hooliganism and contempt of court. On the same day, the Khatai District Court arrested him for 1 month and 20 days. On December 15, Hajiyev announced a promise to go on an indefinite hunger strike demanding his release from custody


Source: Turan News Agency

Putin and Pashinyan discussed the Lachin corridor, and the day before there was a trilateral meeting

On December 26, within the framework of the CIS summit in St. Petersburg, a trilateral meeting of the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan was held, the Russian President Vladimir Putin said on December 27 at a meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. “We started yesterday, and the three of us managed to talk: of course, the main issue is the settlement of the situation in the South Caucasus as a whole, Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, everything related to Karabakh. So, as we agreed, we will discuss all these issues in detail,” the message on the website of the President of Russia reads.


In turn, Pashinyan said: “Of course, you are right: at the moment, the main, most operational issue is the crisis that we have in the Lachin corridor. You know, the Lachin corridor has been blocked for almost 20 days. This is the zone of responsibility of Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh.”


Further, he recalled the tripartite statement of the leaders of the three countries, according to which the Lachin corridor should be under the control of Russian peacekeepers.


“Now it turns out that the Lachin corridor is not under the control of Russian peacekeepers. Of course, I would like to discuss this situation, what options are there,” Pashinyan said.


Official Baku did not report on a trilateral meeting with the participation of Ilham Aliyev. Before the summit, Russian presidential spokesman Peskov also said that a trilateral meeting was not planned


Source: Turan News Agency

Vardanyan’s coming dealt a blow to the dialogue between Armenians and Azerbaijanis – Bayramov

The withdrawal of illegal armed groups from Karabakh is the obligation of Armenia, and Azerbaijan raises this issue every time during the negotiations. “We will continue to raise this issue further,” Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov said during a press conference in Baku on Tuesday. He confirmed Baku’s position that all rights are guaranteed to ethnic Armenians in Karabakh and Baku is open to dialogue on this issue.


“Certain steps are being taken in this direction, and they will continue. If someone deliberately interferes in this process and a person with a dirty reputation is introduced into the region, then this is a blow to normalization and dialogue. Azerbaijan is able to stop all this,” – Bayramov said, referring to Ruben Vardanyan, with whom Baku “will not have any contact.”


Touching upon the issues of damage to the ecology of the region, the minister said that in early 2023, Azerbaijan will file lawsuits against Armenia for environmental damage and illegal exploitation of resources


Source: Turan News Agency

Average amount of mortgage loans granted by state in Azerbaijan comes close to AZN 58,000

By the end of November 2022 an average amount of mortgage loans granted by the Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund made up AZN 57,845.


According to the statistical bulletin published by the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, this is up by 5.3% from the end of November 2021.


Over the last year, an average monthly payment on mortgage loans granted by the government grew by 5.6% and reached AZN 408.


During the year, an average duration of loans remained unchanged – 282 months (23 years 6 months), while an average annual interest rate grew by 0.01 percentage points to 6.33%.


Source: Turan News Agency