Fuat Oktay: Atrocities that occurred in Khojaly still continue to tear our hearts out

Turkish Vice-President Fuat Oktay has shared a post on the 31st anniversary of the Khojaly genocide, APA reports.


“Atrocities that occurred in Khojaly 31 years ago still continue to tear our hearts out. We pay tribute to our sisters and brother who lost their lives. Dear Azerbaijan’s pain is our pain. We did not and will not forget!” the post reads.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

4 killed, 20 injured in southwest Pakistan explosion

At least four people were killed and over 20 injured in an explosion in southwest Pakistan on Sunday, police and local media reported, APA reports.


The explosion occurred in a busy market in the remote Barkhan district of southwestern Balochistan province.


Police confirmed that at least four dead people and 20 injured were transported to a government hospital.


The bomb was planted in a motorbike parked outside a salon in the market, the police said, adding that condition of many injured people is critical.


Visuals aired on local broadcaster Dawn News showed rescue workers and locals shifting the injured in ambulances in a street strewn with broken glasses, pieces of stones, clothes, and shoes.


There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, however, ethnic Baloch separatists and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, a conglomerate of several militant groups in Pakistan, have long been targeting the security forces across the province.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency


A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of the 31th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide

On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the Khojaly genocide, a series of events were held in the types of troops, Army Corps, formations, military units and special educational institutions of the Azerbaijan Army, Azerbaijani MoD told APA.


At the remembrance ceremonies, the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and Shehids (Martyrs), who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, as well as the victims of the Khojaly tragedy was honored with observing a minute of silence. The


National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was accompanied by the Military Orchestra.


The speakers spoke about the destruction of the city of Khojaly on the night of February 25-26, 1992 by Armenian armed detachments with the participation of the 366th regiment of the former Soviet army statined in the city of Khankendi. It was noted that 613 people, including 106 women, 63 children, and 70 elderly, were killed with cruelty as a result of the next massacre committed by Armenian aggressors against Azerbaijani people, 1275 civilians were captured, and the destiny of 150 people is still unknown. As a result of this act of genocide, 8 families were completely destroyed, 25 children lost both parents, and 130 children lost one of their parents.


In addition, the 44-day Patriotic War in response to the provocations and military aggression of Armenia, and the historical victory gained by the Azerbaijan Army under the command of the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief, were also mentioned.


The activities taken by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev, as well as the Heydar Aliyev Foundation to introduce the Khojaly genocide to the world were highlighted at the events.


Literary and artistic compositions, photo exhibitions and videos made by the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov and the


Ideological and Cultural Center of the Ganja Garrison, regional art representatives and schoolchildren were demonstrated at the commemorative events.


The servicemen visited the monuments to the Khojaly genocide, gave lectures on this topic in socio-political training classes and met with witnesses of the tragedy.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency

Governor of Turkiye’s Kahramanmarash meets with Azerbaijan’s Deputy minister of Emergency Situations and expressed gratitude to Azerbaijan

In accordance with the instructions of Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev, the forces of Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Emergency Situations in Turkiye continue measures in the field of eliminating the consequences of the devastating quake that occurred in the fraternal country, the press service of Azerbaijani MES told APA.


Within this framework, the governor of Kahramanmarash Omer Faik Coshgun met with Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations, lieutenant-general Etibar Mirzayev.


The current situation in the Kahramanmarah region, seriously damaged by the quake, the next steps to be taken, as well as the activity of MES regarding the elimination of the quake aftermath, were discussed at the meeting.


Omer Faik Coshgun highly appreciated the work of the MES and expressed gratitude to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and the Azerbaijani people.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency