Another company related to oligarch Heydarov’s family established

On 3 October the State Tax Service registered “G Opco” LLC (INN: 1307966891) with authorized capital exceeding AZN 54 million ($31.8 million), which legal address matches the headquarters of “Gilan Holding” in Baku, located in the business centre “Capital Towers”.


Company’s director is Togrul Ulvi oglu Hajiyev, 32. No information about founders and their shareholdings in the companies is disclosed, as it is considered confidential under the local law.


Besides, Togrul Hajiyev, according to the information from the State Register of Commercial Legal Entities verified by Turan IA, is a legal representative of at least 8 companies, 6 of which were founded in 2021. Total founding capital of four of them (G Co 1 Ltd, tax ID number: 1307189111, G Co 2 Ltd, tax ID: 1307189241, G Co 3 Ltd, tax ID: 1307189371, G Capital Ltd, tax ID: 1307174401) is AZN 212 million 825.600.


Another 10 companies of G Co series (from G Co 6 to G Co 15), whose legal representative is Punkhan Abdulla oglu Akhmedli, passed state registration in the business centre “Capital Towers” in 2022.


There is no publicly available information about the activities of these companies.


Note that “Gilan Holding” Ltd. is considered to be the family company of Minister of Emergency Situations Kemaleddin Heydarov. “Holding” has been losing ground in the local market since 2021 and some of its companies have changed ownership


Source: Turan News Agency