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Appeal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the population regarding the safety rules related to Novruz holiday

Violation of fire safety rules in a number of cases during various ceremonies related to the Novruz holiday, which embodies the national and moral values of our people and is dear to all of us, including events organized on Tuesday evenings (Charshanba), eventually leads to serious effects and bitter consequences.


Therefore, during the celebrations held in connection with the Novruz holiday, it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements related to fire safety.Thus,


bonfire should be set at a safe distance from electrical wires, trees, cars, houses and other combustible materials;

children gathered around the bonfire should be kept under control by adults;

one must be careful when jumping over a bonfire;

bonfire should be kept under control until fully put off;

lit candles should not be left unattended.

Remember: Rules indifference – is a threat to our lives!


Call 112 in case of danger!


Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan