Azerbaijan Banks Association, VISA talk strategic plans

Azerbaijan Banks Association (ABA) and VISA Inc. discussed strategic plans, Trend reports with reference to ABA.

The plans were discussed during the meeting between the VISA Inc. international card organization and the leadership of the ABA. The meeting was attended by the regional manager of Visa Inc. Kristina Dorosh, ABA President Zakir Nuriyev, ABA Executive Director Yunus Abdulov, and other representatives.

During the meeting, Zakir Nuriyev noted that appropriate work is underway to establish innovative financial and banking services in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan, strategic plans have been identified and the active participation of organizations related to the financial and banking sector will be ensured.

In addition, Nuriyev highly appreciated the cooperation between the ABA and VISA and thanked the organization for its efforts in the development of digital payments, bringing new innovative payment solutions to the market.

He also noted that VISA took an active part in numerous events of the ABA in the financial and banking sector and that it is necessary to continue measures, especially those related to the security of banking services. He also highlighted the support provided by the payment systems and digital banking expert group within the ABA.

Kristina Dorosh stated that VISA Inc. is ready to cooperate with ABA in its annual international events and will continue to organize seminars and webinars in this direction together with ABA, taking into account the importance of security issues, especially in the field of digital banking services.

She noted the “Payment Systems and Digital Banking Expert Group” as a reliable platform for discussing digital payments and innovative payment solutions in the country. Dorosh also added that they will continue to actively participate in the activities of the group and support the work done by banks to develop financial and banking infrastructure in Azerbaijan, as well as to introduce innovative digital payment solutions.

ABA was founded in 1990 by commercial banks. The main purpose of ABA is to protect the interests of affiliates, help them meet the needs for various business services, and coordinate their activities.

Currently, ABA members are 26 banks and five non-banking organizations.


Source: Trend News Agency

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