Azerbaijani Mine Action employee smitten by landmine in Aghdam

Azerbaijani Mine Action employee smitten by landmine in Aghdam, APA reports citing district prosecutor’s office.

An investigation is being conducted into the fact.

Aghdam district prosecutor’s office says the incident occurred in village of Saricali of Aghdam district on April 2.

As a result of the incident, Aliyev Khayyam Gambar oglu, born in 1987, an employee of the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA), who was conducting demining operations in the area, was injured and the equipment used was materially damaged.

Currently, Khayyam Aliyev’s condition is satisfactory.

The prosecutor’s office inspected the scene of the incident and took other necessary procedural actions.

An investigation is being conducted at the Aghdam district prosecutor’s office.

Source: Azeri-Press news agency

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