Azerbaijani President congratulates Benjamin Netanyahu on the occasion of start of his term as the Prime Minister of Israel

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev addressed a congratulatory letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, APA reports.


The letter reads:


“I sincerely congratulate you on the occasion of the start of your term as the Prime Minister of the State of Israel and convey my best wishes. This is a clear manifestation of the great trust and confidence of the friendly people of Israel and a sign of high appreciation of your activities and services for the comprehensive development and prosperity of your country.


We attach special importance to Azerbaijan-Israel relations. They stem from the interests of our peoples, who have historically lived in the conditions of friendship and mutual understanding. It is gratifying that our interstate relations, resting on such solid foundations as mutual trust and support, have developed on an upward trend and reached the current level in the past 30 years. You have made an immense contribution to the formation and development of relations between our countries.


In November of this year, a decision was made to establish the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Israel. I am hopeful that the opening of our Embassy will contribute to the further development of Azerbaijan-Israel relations.


I am sure that in accordance with the interests of our friendly peoples, we will successfully continue our joint efforts in the direction of deepening the relations between our countries and further expanding our mutually beneficial cooperation.


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you Happy New Year. Let me convey to you my wishes for good health, happiness and continued success in your responsible activities for the benefit of the friendly State of Israel and its people”.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency