Russian composer Eduard Artemyev died

Soviet and Russian composer Eduard Artemiev died at the age of 85, APA reports citing RIA Novosti.


The cause of death was not specified.


In early December, it was reported that the artist was taken to one of the Moscow hospitals due to the coronavirus.


Eduard Artemyev was born on November 30, 1937 in Novosibirsk. Graduated from Moscow State PI in 1960. Tchaikovsky. He was a member of the Union of Composers of Russia and the Union of Cinematographers, and the chairman of the “Russian Electroacoustic Music Association”, which he founded in 1990.


Artemiev wrote music for two Olympics in Russia and more than 150 films. Among the most famous are the films “Solaris” (1972), “The Mirror” (1975) and “Stalker” (1980), directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, and the work “Friend among strangers, stranger among friends” (1974). Love Slave” (1976), “A Few Days in the Life of II Oblomov” (1980), Nikita Mikhalkov’s “Kin” (1981) and Andrei Konchalovsky’s “Cyberiada” (1979).


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency