Azerbaijani Schoolchildren to Compete in 36th International Olympiad in Informatics

OUAGADOUGOU — A team of Azerbaijani schoolchildren is set to participate in the 36th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), one of the most prestigious global programming competitions, which will be held in Alexandria, Egypt, from September 1 to 8.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, the Azerbaijani team, supported by Azercell, includes four students: Fuad Garayev, an 11th-grade student from Baku Physics, Mathematics and Informatics Lyceum; Aykhan Damirli and Huseyn Aghayev, 10th and 11th-grade students from the Lyceum named after Academician Zarifa Aliyeva; and Tahir Aliyev, a 10th-grade student from Baku Turkish High School of the Trkiye Diyanet Foundation. Over 350 contestants from nearly 90 countries are expected to participate, tackling three algorithmic challenges over two days of intense competition.

Azercell has played a significant role in enhancing the team’s preparation, organizing seasonal training camps and specialized sessions in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Education and the Institute of Education. Since 2017, Azerbaijani students have won a total of 74 medals in various programming competitions across different age categories, showcasing the country’s growing expertise in the field of informatics.

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