Foreign media representatives cover peaceful protest of Azerbaijani eco-activists on Lachin-Khankendi road

A group of foreign media representatives, who arrived in Azerbaijan to cover the Summit-level Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group in response to COVID-19 held in Baku, have today visited the Lachin-Khankendi road passing through Shusha, where the peaceful protest action of the Azerbaijani eco-activists and NGO representatives has been going on for the 84th day back-to-back.


During the visit, foreign journalists were informed in detail about the goals and progress of the peaceful protest.


They also witnessed the ensuring of free movement of the vehicles belonging to the Russian peacekeepers on the Lachin-Khankendi road and prepared reports on the protest.


The peaceful protest of Azerbaijani ecologists and young volunteers on the Lachin-Khankendi road over the illegal exploitation of mineral deposits, especially the Gizilbulag and Damirli ones located in the Azerbaijani territories, where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily deployed, has been going on for the 84th day back-to-back.


The unimpeded passage of the various types of vehicles, including ambulances and humanitarian convoys are being ensured and the road is open for humanitarian purposes.


This once again proves that allegations on protesters’ blocking the Khankendi-Lachin road are the disinformation.


Source: Azerbaijan State News Agency


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