Georgia detains 20 people at Tbilisi rally

BAKU: Georgia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs has detained 20 people at a protest in Tbilisi opposing a bill targeting foreign agents, including one Russian and two Americans, all on administrative grounds, Trend reports.

The law enforcement said in a statement that these individuals were detained under Articles 166 (for minor hooliganism) and 173 (for not cooperating with the cops) of the Administrative Offenses Code. Among those picked up, three are foreigners: a 2002-born Russian national, a 1995-born US citizen, and another US national who refused to reveal his identity.

Meanwhile, opponents of the foreign agent bill staged another rally on Sunday. They camped out near the parliament on Rustaveli Avenue, staying put overnight to block deputies from kicking off discussions on the initiative’s third reading at the Committee on Legal Affairs meeting on May 13th. By Monday morning, the police had cleared the demonstrators away from the parliament’s official entrances. Nevertheless, the Legal Committee has al
ready pushed the initiative through its third reading.

Source: Trend News Agency

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