Intensive preparation yielded good results – winner of International “Ojaq Cup”

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Intensive preparation for the 1st International “Ojaq Cup” in Rhythmic Gymnastics in Baku yielded good results, Lala Novruzova, winner of competitions in hoop exercises among gymnasts born in 2014, told Trend.


“I like to perform at the National Gymnastics Arena. I have already participated in competitions organized here three times. Each time I feel great inspiration, because major international competitions were held in the arena, and rhythmic gymnastics stars performed here,” Novruzova said.


“The International “Ojaq Cup”, organized here, is going great, so many athletes are competing, and everyone is trying to perform well. I think everyone will have only positive emotions from the competition, including, of course, me, because I won a gold award,” the student of the Baku School of Gymnastics said.


On November 25-27, the Ojaq Sports Club holds the 1st International “Ojaq Cup” in Rhythmic Gymnastics. The athletes representing 13 countries take part in the competitions. Among participants are young gymnasts born in 2007-2016, who perform both in the individual program and in group exercises.


Source: TREND News Agency

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