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Kyrgyzstanis to be able to check quality of medicines through mobile application

A mobile application will be launched in Kyrgyzstan so that citizens can check the quality of medicines, Ainura Abalieva, director of the Department of Medicines and Medical Devices, told reporters at Kabar Agency.


She said that through the application, citizens will be able to scan a QR code and get full information about the medicine: about the manufacturer, composition, side effects, as well as instructions.


“The system will also allow tracking the price at which medicines are sold in pharmacies and controlling their stock in the country. If the mobile application does not find a medicine in the system, it means that it is not in the system and may have been illegally imported into the country. Also, thanks to this system, pharmacies will not be able to sell expired medicines or medicines withdrawn from the market, for example, due to side effects,” she explained.


Abalieva noted that the application is currently being tested and will soon be available on the Google Play Store.


“Due to the fact that now there is a requirement for the presence of a QR code on drug packages, pharmaceutical companies will have to put them on all products by the end of 2023. Currently, QR codes are applied to all psychotropic and narcotic drugs,” the director of the department said.


Source: Kyrgyz National News Agency