Moscow: Italy cannot mediate between Russia and Ukraine because it has an aggressive posture

Italy cannot mediate between Russia and Ukraine to achieve peace, because Rome “is helping the bloody regime in Kiev” and has an “aggressive anti-Russian” posture, says the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, APA report citing agenzianova.


Thus Zakharova commented on the suggestion of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, according to which Rome would be willing to become “a guarantor” of the peaceful resolution of the conflict.


According to Zakharova, “it is strange to hear proposals for mediation from countries which, since the very beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine, have taken an unequivocal and very aggressive anti-Russian position, and not only supported the bloody regime in Kiev , but also provide him with significant military and technical assistance.” These “irresponsible actions”, continued Zakharova, “not only multiply the number of victims (…) but drag the NATO countries into a direct military confrontation with Russia”. “However, Kiev’s Western sponsors, unfortunately including Italy, are not thinking of stopping, but on the contrary, are increasing supplies,” added the spokeswoman. Finally, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry observed that, given Italy’s position, “we cannot consider it (…) as a possible guarantor of the peace process”.


Source: Azeri-Press News Agency