New cooperation format created after liberation of Azerbaijani lands – MP

A new format of cooperation both in political and economic fields was created in the region after the liberation of the Azerbaijani lands [from Armenian occupation in the 2020 Second Karabakh War], Azerbaijani MP, head of the Azerbaijan-Russia inter-parliamentary friendship group Nizami Safarov said on Dec. 20, Trend reports.

Safarov made the remark during the international round table entitled “Russia-Azerbaijan in a new system of regional security and economic cooperation. Results of the year and prospects” held in Baku.

“Our country restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty and implemented four resolutions of the UN Security Council. Azerbaijan implemented the mission of the UN Security Council [by fulfilling the council’s resolutions on the Karabakh conflict, which were adopted in 1993 and urged Armenia to withdraw its armed forces from Karabakh and seven surrounding districts of Azerbaijan], and Russia played an extraordinary role in resolving the conflict. The country is a strategic partner [of Azerbaijan],” he said.

According to the MP, Azerbaijan is aimed at a peaceful settlement of the remaining issues and the conclusion of a peace treaty [with Armenia], as well as opening communications.

“We hope that all countries of the region are interested in the peaceful settlement of issues in the post-conflict period,” added Safarov.


Source: Trend News Agency

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