President Ilham Aliyev: We must not lose our faith, then we will achieve what we want

When I was fifty years old, I was with IDPs in Agjabadi and I told them that the day will come when you will receive and welcome me in your native land, and I will visit your land, and that day has come. Nine years after that day, we were already in Shusha, and our flag was flying in Shusha. I celebrated my 60th birthday in the Cidir plain, and before that I participated in the opening of the military unit in the liberated Hadrut. I had some ideas for December 24th this year. This should also have a symbolic meaning. I thought that the most appropriate event should be our event today.


AZERTAC reports that President Ilham Aliyev expressed these views in a meeting with a group of intellectuals from Western Azerbaijan.


Noting that a certain mood of pessimism spread in the society and first of all among the internally displaced persons when the Karabakh lands were under occupation, the head of state said: “I have had dozens of meetings with the displaced persons and in recent years I have seen that their hopes are running out and this is natural, I take it for granted. i was doing Of course, I could not tell them when, how and what would happen. I tried to convince them that the day will come. But it was natural, because thirty years of longing inevitably had a negative effect on every person. However, today we have been living as a victorious nation for two years. Today I want to say again, the main thing is that we should not lose our faith. We believed that we will return, I have not lost that faith for a single day, we must believe and work and be active to bring this holy day closer.




Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency