President: The day will come when we will hold such a wonderful party in Western Azerbaijan

During these more than two years since the second Karabakh war, I had many meetings with my foreign colleagues, and I can say that most of them asked, how did it happen, how did you achieve this Victory? I used to say that in order to explain this, you should live our life, live these thirty years.


AZERTAC reports that President Ilham Aliyev said this in a meeting with a group of intellectuals from West Azerbaijan.


The head of our state said: “How can I describe it? Faith, unity, faith in justice, faith in strength! Therefore, as a people who won this historical Victory, we really created a completely new situation on the world scale. The peoples who lost their faith also believe today, they want to be like us, they want to act like us, they consult with us.


That’s why today, while celebrating December 24 here with you, I want to say once again that we and Western Azerbaijanis should never lose faith. We have to believe and at the same time, we have to take steps, we have to be active, we have to work. The day will come when we will hold such a wonderful party in Western Azerbaijan and we will remember this day.”





Source: AZERTAC, Azerbaijan State News Agency