Russian, Turkish FMs support efforts to restore сonstitutional order in Kazakhstan

A phone talk was held between Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on Jan. 6, Foreign Ministry of the country said, Trend reports via TASS.

During the talk, Lavrov and Cavusoglu expressed their support to the efforts of Kazakhstan’s leadership to restore constitutional order in the country.

The Russian minister informed about the measures taken in response to the appeal of the President of Kazakhstan through the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) to provide assistance the Kazakh authorities in the face of outside-inspired attempts to undermine the security and territorial integrity of the state.

Lavrov and Cavusoglu also positively assessed the dynamics of the political dialogue between Moscow and Ankara at various levels in 2021.

“The readiness to continue close contacts between the leaderships of Russia and Turkey in the new year was confirmed,” added the ministry.

Kazakhstan’s government announced late Jan. 4 that it was restoring some price caps on liquefied petroleum gas, after the rare protests reached Almaty following a sharp rise in the price of the fuel at the start of the year.

Many Kazakhs have converted their cars to run on LPG, which is far cheaper than gasoline as a vehicle fuel in Kazakhstan because of price caps. But the government argued that the low price was unsustainable and lifted the caps on Jan. 1.

After the price of the fuel spiked, big demonstrations erupted on Jan. 2 in certain parts of the country. Public protests are illegal in the country unless their organizers file a notice in advance. Following the development of the situation, the government declared a state of emergency all over the country.


Source: Trend News Agency

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