Category: Education

Azerbaijan Technical University became winner of UNESCO project

The project of the Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) entitled “Increasing the participation of girls receiving engineering education for sustainable development”, presented by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as part of the program “Participation of member states in activities for 2020-2021”. The aim of the project is to encourage women to enter […]

15th Baku Summer Energy School kicks off

The Caspian Center for Energy and Environment of ADA University in partnership with the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) and BP Azerbaijan has today commenced the 15th Baku Summer Energy School (BSES). BSES is an annual two-week certificate program bringing together world-renowned scholars, academicians, and policy-makers to examine and gain a better […]

Сonference entitled “Enhancing the efficiency of power supply of railway transport and the system of traction power supply of electric locomotives” held

Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) organized a conference on “Enhancing the efficiency of power supply in railway transport and the system of traction power supply for electric locomotives”. The conference was attended by representatives of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, Schneider Electric and ALSTOM companies. AzTU Rector, Vilayat Valiyev, noted that the university is conducting research to improve […]

Information session on CRENG project held

An information session on the master’s program implemented at the Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) within the framework of the project “Engineering of risks and Crises in transport Services”, funded by the European Union under the Erasmus +Ka2 program, was held with the participation of fourth-year students of the Faculty of Transport and Logistics. Speaking at […]

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