Azerbaijani Ambassador Appeals to Russian Duma Over Zatulin’s Controversial Remarks

MOSCOW — The Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Russia, Polad Bulbuloglu, has formally addressed the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vyacheslav Volodin, concerning a provocative video released by Konstantin Zatulin, the First Deputy Chairman of the CIS Committee of the State Duma.

According to Azeri-Press News Agency, Ambassador Bulbuloglu expressed significant concern over Zatulin’s repeated statements, which he said undermine the statehood and people of Azerbaijan. This recent video is not the first instance of Zatulin’s controversial remarks, which have been a consistent issue. “I note with regret that despite the fact that the Azerbaijani side has repeatedly appealed to the official bodies of the Russian Federation to prevent such inappropriate situations, effective measures have not yet been taken against K. Zatulin’s provocation activities that undermine the alliance relations between our countries,” Bulbuloglu stated in his letter.

The ambassador urged Chairman Volodin to adopt a principled approach to address these provocations decisively, reflecting the official stance of the Russian Federation and the regulations of the State Duma. The letter highlights the adverse impact of Zatulin’s actions on the inter-parliamentary cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia, as well as on the Azerbaijani diaspora in Russia.

This diplomatic communication follows a recent incident where Zatulin released a video message “congratulating” the Armenian people on the occasion of the “Independence Day” of the so-called “DQR”, which Azerbaijan contends was dismantled by anti-terrorist measures last year.

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