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Ministry of Emergency Situations appeals to the people on carbon monoxide hazard

Amid growing demand for natural gas due to colder weather and the approaching winter season, violation of safety rules when using gas appliances increases the carbon monoxide hazard. Despite the mass awareness-raising events held by the Ministry of Emergency Situations in order to prevent the danger caused by carbon monoxide, unfortunately, information on tragic cases caused by this threat is still being received.


Considering the above-mentioned, the Ministry of Emergency Situations once again reminds to observe the following safety rules to avoid the carbon monoxide hazard:


a gas appliance must be in good condition and meet the standards;

the height of the place, where the appliance is, must not be less than 2 meters 20 centimeters;

the ventilation system must work, the small window must be open;

there must be a ventilation pipe in the bathroom, also holes at the bottom of the door;

chimneys must be cleaned twice a year.

Remember! Carbon monoxide is odourless and not felt!


Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness.


In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the person must be taken out into the fresh air, clothes making breathing difficult must be taken off and an ambulance must be called.


Source: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan