Washington’s support for Azerbaijan-Armenia peace treaty faltered

US State Department’s Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations Louis Bono has arrived in Baku, following his trip to Yerevan, and met with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov.

At the meeting, Azerbaijani side has raised concerns in regard with the current situation in the South Caucasus.

Over the course of the previous year, many in Baku held optimistic expectations about the meetings held in Washington, and thought that the approach in resolving relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia would be unbiased.

During those several meetings between the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia held in Washington this year, in which US State Secretary Antony Blinken participated, a very pleasant atmosphere prevailed, and Blinken has been taking a more rational approach than his predecessors in their 30-year history, and also

accepted most of Azerbaijan’s theses, including taking practical steps to implement the basic principles of the international law.

As Advisor to the Presidential Academy of Public Administration, Chairman of the Baku Club of Political Scientists Zaur Mammadov told Trend, unfortunately, it seems that recently, under the influence and pressure from certain forces overseas, Blinken has decided to retreat from his usual approach.

“Most likely, what Louis Bono said behind closed doors in Baku today did not soften the atmosphere of bias between Washington and Baku in the speech that took place in the Senate 2 days ago, but, on the contrary, strengthened it even more. Currently, the first principle that Azerbaijan wants to hear from the US, the EU and Russia is the priority of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the requirement to approach other issues from this aspect. Unfortunately, recently the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty have been forgotten in the West’s approach to issues.

In principle, the use of the term “rights of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh” by US State Department Assistant Yuri Kim two days ago was a showcase of what her other colleagues were thinking. During these speeches in the Senate, the US politicians accused Azerbaijan of almost committing “genocide” against the Armenian residents of Karabakh. This speech and Washington’s approach to issues before and after it are an indication of disregard for international law.

At the hearings in the Senate, not a single person spoke about the territorial integrity and inviolability of the Azerbaijani borders. Instead, statements were made in defense of the Karabakh separatist gang. However, everyone knows that the main goal of Armenia is to achieve the separation of Karabakh from Azerbaijan, as in the case of Kosovo, by promoting the slogan “freedom in the name of salvation” at the international level.

US senators and government representatives, stated in the Senate that the Lachin road is allegedly closed and the Armenians in Karabakh are hungry, however, at the same time, remained silent about the fact that Aghdam road is still closed, due to Armenians and their refusal to use it. After this, not only Azerbaijan, but also other countries that are suffering from separatism, are forced to rethink their relations with the US.

However, who, if not Blinken, knows very well that according to the agreements reached, the Aghdam-Khankendi road should have been opened from September 1.

For the first time among the conflicts and separatist hotbeds, Azerbaijan was the first one to managed to solve its problem independently, without relying on anyone’s sweet promises. The step taken by Baku three years ago inspired all countries suffering from conflicts and separatism around them. Of course, this situation could not help but worry some circles.

Therefore, it saddens me to observe that the actions undertaken by France and pro-Armenian groups in the United States could potentially result in the pacification of separatist elements just when we have an opportunity to inaugurate a period of regional peace and stability.

Azerbaijan will attain its objectives by any means necessary, and regardless of the opinions expressed, we will stay steadfast on the correct course. Similar to three years ago, this time, we will determine who stands with us in our triumph. Entities with geopolitical stakes in the region will safeguard their interests by demonstrating objectivity throughout these proceedings.,” Mammadov said.

Source: Trend News Agency

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